Repeat Prescriptions


If you require prescriptions for regular and continuing treatment, it is not always necessary to see the doctor each time.
Repeat prescriptions are computerised and the tear-off slip at the side will indicate the date your review is due.

Please allow at least 2 working days for all requests

Ordering a Repeat Prescription

When you order a prescription online, you can have it sent electronically to a pharmacy of your choice. This is called a nomination.

Learn how to nominate a pharmacy

The NHS App

Order repeat prescriptions via the NHS App or NHS website, and have them sent to a pharmacy of your choice.

Learn more about the NHS App

Online Form

If you're not registered with our online services, you can use our online form

Order your repeat prescription via our online Repeat Prescription form. No account required.

Use our online form

Other Ways To Order

You can also request your repeat prescription by:

  • Submitting your computerised printed slip
    (This can be found attached to your prescription). Tick the items that you require. Put the slip in the box situated at the reception desk or post to us.
  • Submitting a written request
    List the items that you require. Please write clearly in block capitals and include your name and address, the name of the drug e.g. paracetamol, the strength of the tablet e.g. 500mg and the dosing instructions e.g. 2 tablets to be taken four times daily. (Attaching the label from the medication pack to a sheet of paper with your name and address on is acceptable).

In all cases, your prescription should be ready for collection 2 working days after we receive the request.

If you would like your prescription posting back to you, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope. Please note that we are not responsible for covering postage costs.We will not accept telephone requests for repeat prescriptions owing to the likelihood of errors occurring using this method

Generic Medication

If you require generic medication, such as calpol, ibuprofen and paracetamol, it is expected that you would buy this medication from a supermarket or pharmacy, where they are always available, at cheap prices. 

Medication Reviews

Please make sure you check when you are due for your medication review. They are normally done every six or every 12 months, depending on your medication. On the white side of your prescription, there is a list of your repeat medications. By each item, there is a review date. This is when you will be due a review. About a month before you are due, there will be message on the white side of the prescription, reminding you to book one. If you are in doubt about when you are due for a review, please ask a receptionist. 

More Information About Prescriptions